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Belton Industries, Inc. produces polypropylene tape yarns for both woven fabrics and yarn sales to other manufacturers. In addition to our flat tape yarns, we offer two types of yarns, fibrillated or serrated, which cause the tape or ribbon yarn to break into continuous short or narrow fibers or fibrils.

Fibrillated Tape Yarn

These yarns offer better weave density or mass in heavy-duty industrial fabrics due to the yarns being able to fold or twist uniformly. The first yarn type is a fibrillated yarn which is produced using discontinuous, longitudinal cuts in the flat tape yarn.  This manufacturing process is achieved by running the flat tapes over a roller or drum with a configuration of sharp pins which give the yarn a “hairnet” or honeycomb appearance when pulled open. Fibrillated tape yarns are used in numerous applications, from use in ropes, cords, industrial sewing yarns, synthetic turfs, marine carpeting, and heavy-duty industrial fabrics.


Serrated Tape Yarn

The second type is a serrated yarn which is made with a longitudinal series of impressed grooves which provide preset points so that the yarn will separate in the grooves creating long continuous fibers.

At Belton, we manufacture fibrillated and serrated tape yarns from 360 deniers up to 10,000 deniers. Learn more about our Specialty Yarns or contact us to create the specialty fabric that meets your specific needs.
